Download The Four Symbols by Giacometti & Ravenne (.ePUB)

The Four Symbols (The Black Sun Trilogy 01) by Giacometti & Ravenne
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 560kb
Overview: In a Europe on the verge of collapse, the Nazi organisation Ahnenerbe is pillaging sacred landmarks across the world. Their aim is to collect treasures with occult powers, which will help them establish the Third Reich.
The organisation’s head, Himmler, has sent SS officers to search a forgotten sanctuary in the Himalayas, while he tries to track down a mysterious painting. Which ancient power do the Nazis believe they hold the key to?
Meanwhile, in London, Churchill has discovered that the war against Germany will also be a spiritual one: their light must fight the occult if they are to win . . .
Genre: Fiction > Mystery/Thriller


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