Download Digital Homiletics by Sunggu A. Yang (.PDF)

Digital Homiletics: The Theology and Practice of Online Preaching (Working Preacher, 14) by Sunggu A. Yang
Requirements: .PDF reader, 7 MB
Overview: Digital Homiletics demystifies the art of online preaching, helping readers understand both the why and the how of engaging listeners via digital formats. Sunggu Yang lays a concise and accessible theological foundation and then shares ten methods for effective digital preaching. Readers will encounter concrete tips and advice for sharing God’s word online, whatever the dimensions of their electronic ministry.

Yang profiles each of the ten methods in Digital Homiletics with an eye toward general description, homiletic theory, practical tips, final remarks, and innovative attention to “Details of the Style.” Who is involved? Why might preachers employ this technique? Where should it be practiced, and when? What content is best suited to each method? The answers to these questions will help readers’ tailor their online delivery. Throughout, Yang helps us recognize the distinctive nature of the homiletical task when preaching to an online audience.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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Download PHR Study Guide 2023-2024 by Shawn Blake (.ePUB)

PHR Study Guide 2023-2024: Review Book With 350 Practice Questions and Answer Explanations for the Professional in Human Resources Certification by Shawn Blake
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1 mb
Overview: This all-inclusive guide will help you ace the PHR Exam on your first try and establish a solid foundation for your HR career!

Do you feel nervous about taking the PHR certification exam because you know how crucial it is for your career?

Have you had trouble studying because of a lack of high-quality study materials and limited resources?

It’s understandable why you’d feel this way, as the PHR exam has a notoriously low pass rate. In 2021, for example, only 65% of test takers were successful.

But this only means you need to extensively prepare for this all-important test. Of course, if one only has access to inadequate study materials, even their best preparation won’t save them from failure.

Fortunately for you, this study guide was thoughtfully crafted to provide a thorough reviewer for the test’s many functional areas, as well as practice exams to help you get a feel for what the real thing will be like on test day.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


Take a closer look inside this must-have PHR study guide to discover:
• Helpful information about the PHR examination, such as its scope and eligibility requirements
• In-depth coverage of the exam’s five HR domains—business management; talent planning and acquisition; learning and development; total rewards; and employee and labor relations
• Two full-length practice tests that mimic the actual exam’s instructions and format with an answer key that includes detailed explanations to help you prepare effectively
• Procedures and methods for handling employee communication and interaction, boosting morale and output
• Responsibilities of the HR professional categorized into the 5 functional areas to help you understand the topics better
• The importance of knowing and following all applicable federal employment and labor laws in order to safeguard the organization
• Methods for enhancing productivity in the workplace through the strategic organization, delivery, and management of training and other developmental opportunities for employees
• The fundamentals of business management: setting up proper structures, establishing sound policies, and adhering to a moral code to ensure the continued success of the company over time
And much more!

Being a certified HR professional has its own perks. You will enjoy the benefits of higher pay, more respect from your peers, and less competition in the industry.

Passing the exam is your ticket to success and career advancement. While you can always retake it should you fail, passing the first time allows you to continue soaring high without delay. Plus, it’s a bragging right!

You’re a few clicks away from an excellent guide. Stop wasting your time and start studying for real.

If you want to pass the PHR exam on your first try and improve your knowledge about the industry, then you need this book today!

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Download Exciting Sensory Bins for Curious Kids by Mandisa Watts (.ePUB)

Exciting Sensory Bins for Curious Kids: 60 Easy Creative Play Projects That Boost Brain Development, Calm Anxiety and Build Fine Motor Skills By Mandisa Watts
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 169 MB
Overview: The Best Sensory Bins for Endless Creative Play

Engage your child in hours of play with Mandisa Watts’s colorful collection of sensory bin activities that aid with memory formation, language development, problem-solving skills and more. Perfect for toddlers from eighteen months to three years old and beyond, each bin makes use of materials you already have at home and helps reignite your kids’ interest in toys long forgotten.

Boring afternoons are made exciting with awesome animal-based bins, like Salty Shark Bay or Yarn Farm. Pretend play bins like Birthday Cake Sensory Play or Bubble Tea Party encourage creativity and imagination. And your kids will have so much fun they won’t even know they’re getting smarter with STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art and math) activities like Sink or Float Soup, Magnetic Letter Hunt or Ice Cream Scoop and Count.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational > Parenting > Creative Play


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Download The Fire in Fiction by Donald Maass (.ePUB)+

The Fire in Fiction: Passion, Purpose and Techniques to Make Your Novel Great by Donald Maass
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 5.70 MB
Overview: Discover the difference between a so-so manuscript and a novel readers can’t forget… We’ve all read them: novels by our favorite authors that disappoint. Uninspired and lifeless, we wonder what happened. Was the author in a hurry? Did she have a bad year? Has he lost interest altogether?

Something similar is true of a great many unpublished manuscripts. They are okay stories that never take flight. They don’t grip the imagination, let alone the heart. They merit only a shrug and a polite dismissal by agents and editors.

It doesn’t have to be that way. In The Fire in Fiction, successful literary agent and author Donald Maass shows you not only how to infuse your story with deep conviction and fiery passion, but how to do it over and over again.

Tap into The Fire in Fiction and supercharge your story with originality and spark!
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational > Language > Writing > Authorship


The book features:-

► Techniques for capturing a special time and place, creating characters whose lives matter, nailing multiple-impact plot turns, making the supernatural real, infusing issues into fiction, and more.
► Story-enriching exercises at the end of every chapter to show you how to apply the practical tools just covered to your own work.
► Rich examples drawn from contemporary novels as diverse as "The Lake House," "Water for Elephants," and "Jennifer Government" to illustrate how various techniques work in actual stories.
► Plus, Maass introduces an original technique that any novelist can use any time, in any scene, in any novel, even on the most uninspired day…to take the most powerful experiences from your personal life and turn those experiences directly into powerful fiction.

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Download The Genesis Enigma by Andrew Parker (.ePUB)(.AZW3)

The Genesis Enigma by Andrew Parker (first published 2009)
Requirements: .ePUB / .AZW3 reader, 1.7 Mb
Overview: An acclaimed, paradigm-shifting evolutionary biologist shows how the biblical story of Genesis uncannily reflects recent scientific discoveries-and finds room for divine inspiration within.
Consider Genesis recounts the story of creation, "Let there be light"; "Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear"; "Let the earth bring forth [vegetation]"; "Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life"; "God created the whales"; "And God created . . . every winged fowl." For thousands of years, Judeo-Christian belief has accepted this progression as truth. And now, thanks to recent scientific discoveries, the scientific community does, too (though without the mention of "God").
In The Genesis Enigma , respected evolutionary biologist Andrew Parker explains each parallel between Genesis and science in detail-and the closer he looks, the more amazing the parallels become. But the Genesis account has no right to be correct. The author or authors could not have known these things happened in this order, and with the highlights science has come to recognize.
Ultimately, Parker argues, it must be divine inspiration that guided the writing of the Bible. This startling conclusion will make The Genesis Enigma a must-read for believers and scientists alike.
Andrew Parker is a zoologist who has worked on Biomimetics. He worked at the Natural History Museum in London, and from 1990 to 1999 he was a Royal Society University Research Fellow and is a Research Associate of the Australian Museum and University of Sydney and from 1999 until 2005 he worked at the University of Oxford. As of 2018 Parker is a Visiting Research Fellow at Green Templeton College where he is head of a Research Team into photonic structures and eyes.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Evolutionary Biology > Religion & Science > Cosmology > Biblical Criticism & Interpretation > Old Testament


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