Download Cocaine Cowboys by Nicola Tallant (.ePUB)

Cocaine Cowboys: The Deadly Rise of Ireland’s Drug Lords by Nicola Tallant
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 0.5 Mb
Overview: From the first street dealers to modern-day crime lords, author Nicolla Tallant uncovers how cocaine has become the most dangerous economic boom in Irish history.
Ireland’s narco war explained. In less than a few decades, Ireland has become the country with the highest intake of cocaine in the world. But how did this come to be? Who was behind this, and what do they gain from it today? Investigative journalist Nicolla Tallant answers these questions in Cocaine Cowboys, a true crime cartel book that documents the people behind the biggest smuggling operation of illegal drugs into Ireland and how it still affects the country today.
How the cocaine cowboys rose to power. Colombia’s most famous illegal export held a lot of promise for not just users, but also sellers. Each chapter in this dirty money documentary book dives into how these street dealers became powerful figures in Irish economics through illegal trafficking, dealings, and the growth of cocaine abuse. By the end, readers will not only learn how the drug cartel created chaos and violence in Ireland to gain riches, but also how they left their mark on the history of cocaine itself.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download The Devils’ Alliance by Roger Moorhouse (.ePUB)

The Devils’ Alliance: Hitler’s Pact with Stalin, 1939-1941 by Roger Moorhouse
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 7.3 MB
Overview: History remembers the Soviets and the Nazis as bitter enemies and ideological rivals, the two mammoth and opposing totalitarian regimes of World War II whose conflict would be the defining and deciding clash of the war. Yet for nearly a third of the conflict’s entire timespan, Hitler and Stalin stood side by side as partners. The Pact that they agreed had a profound — and bloody — impact on Europe, and is fundamental to understanding the development and denouement of the war.

In The Devils’ Alliance, acclaimed historian Roger Moorhouse explores the causes and implications of the Nazi-Soviet Pact, an unholy covenant whose creation and dissolution were crucial turning points in World War II. Forged by the German foreign minister, Joachim von Ribbentrop, and his Soviet counterpart, Vyacheslav Molotov, the nonaggression treaty briefly united the two powers in a brutally efficient collaboration. Together, the Germans and Soviets quickly conquered and divided central and eastern Europe — Poland, the Baltic States, Finland, and Bessarabia — and the human cost was staggering: during the two years of the pact hundreds of thousands of people in central and eastern Europe caught between Hitler and Stalin were expropriated, deported, or killed. Fortunately for the Allies, the partnership ultimately soured, resulting in the surprise June 1941 German invasion of the Soviet Union. Ironically, however, the powers’ exchange of materiel, blueprints, and technological expertise during the period of the Pact made possible a far more bloody and protracted war than would have otherwise been conceivable.

Combining comprehensive research with a gripping narrative, The Devils’ Alliance is the authoritative history of the Nazi-Soviet Pact — and a portrait of the people whose lives were irrevocably altered by Hitler and Stalin’s nefarious collaboration.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download Operation Aleppo: Russia’s War in Syria by Tim Ripley (.ePUB)

Operation Aleppo: Russia’s War in Syria by Tim Ripley
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 416 KB
Overview: The Inside Story of Putin’s Military Intervention in the Syrian War
Russia’s intervention in Syria in September 2015 caught the world by surprise. Since then Russian bombers, fighter jets, drones, warships and special forces troops have helped turn the tide of the brutal Syria civil war in favour Bashar al-Assad’s government in Damascus.
As the war enters its endgame, this book looks at how the Russian intervention unfolded, and its implications in the Middle East and further afield.
Drawing on a wide array of sources – including satellite imagery of Russian forces in Syria, as well as live online monitoring of Russian, Syrian and Iranian aircraft and ship movements – Operation Aleppo gives an unprecedented insight into the most ambitious Russian military campaign since the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan in the 1980s.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download Operation Tidal Wave by Vincent dePaul Lupiano (.ePUB)

Operation Tidal Wave: The Bloodiest Air Battle in the History of War by Vincent dePaul Lupiano
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.8 MB
Overview: Operation Tidal Wave tells the story of the bloodiest air battle in the history of war. It is about 1700 airmen who set out to bomb the oil refineries surrounding the city of Ploesti, Romania, on August 1, 1943. Success, they thought, would be a force in ending the war. Success instead was extremely limited and 500 airmen were killed, wounded, captured, or interned. Negligible damage resulted at the Ploesti refineries, and a few months later they were operating at one-hundred percent capacity. To show the asperity of the raid, five Congressional Medals of Honor were awarded, two posthumously.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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Download Whatever Happened to the C86 Kids? by Nige Tassell (.ePUB)+

Whatever Happened to the C86 Kids?: An Indie Odyssey by Nige Tassell
Requirements: .ePUB, .MOBI/.AZW reader, 10.8 MB
Overview: In 1986, the NME released a cassette that would shape music for years to come. A collection of twenty-two independently signed guitar-based bands, C86 was the sound and ethos that defined a generation. It was also arguably the point at which ‘indie’ was born.

But what happened next to all those musical dreamers?

Some of the bands, like Primal Scream, went on to achieve global stardom; others, such as Half Man Half Biscuit and the Wedding Present, cultivated lifelong fanbases that still sustain their careers thirty-five years later. Then there were the rest, who ultimately imploded in a riot of paisley shirts, bad drugs and general indifference from the record-buying public.

Now, for the first time, music journalist Nige Tassell tracks down the class of C86 and recounts their stories, both tragic and uplifting.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History > Music > Indie > Pop Culture > Social Science


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