Download The Do It Yourself Lobotomy by Tom Monahan (.PDF)

The Do It Yourself Lobotomy: Open Your Mind to Greater Creative Thinking by Tom Monahan
Requirements: .PDF reader, 1.77 MB (8.64 MB Un-Archived)
Overview: Master the techniques that top companies use to spark creativity. . .

In today’s business environment, gaining the competitive edge through creative and original thinking is a crucial component of brand strategy. Creative leader of advertising Tom Monahan offers a fresh look at the subject, providing hard and fast methods for freeing the mind and inspiring active creativity in oneself and others. His 180-degree Thinking(TM), 100 MPH Method, and other techniques he employs in his creative consulting practice are easy-to-use strategies for unleashing new ideas and facilitating creative product development, advertising, and marketing plans.

This book has the added benefit of Monahan’s experience of using these methods at A-list client companies.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General > Business > Creative Thinking > Psychology


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Download TabeGirl: The Art of Jun by Jun (.PDF)

TabeGirl: The Art of Jun by Jun
Requirements: .PDF reader, 54 mb
Overview: Powerfully cute! Jun’s TabeGirls are the embodiment of what makes Japanese character designs so beloved, as they capture young ladies at their purest…while chowing down on scrumptious eats!

Collecting nearly one-hundred full-color portraits from Jun’s growing collection of web-illustrations, comics and promotional art, fans of the artist will have plenty tasty images to sink their teeth into.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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Download Ignite All by Business Expert Press (.ePUB)

Ignite All: Leadership, Team Enablement, & Sparking That Inner Flame by Business Expert Press
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3 mb
Overview: Putting a team together is easy. Creating a dynamic team culture is hard.

Fusion brings a new world approach to leadership, team enablement, and sparking that inner flame. In this book—written by a team, for teams—Fusion distills proven best practices, methodologies, and frameworks that drive impactful change for small and large teams in the corporate workplace by incorporating models to build thoughtful processes, form empathetic teams, and develop team members into change-makers.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


• Unleash your talent: Build a top-performing team utilizing proven best practices that activate your team’s greatest assets.
• Supercharge your team: Level up your game with innovative methodologies and systems that shift your mindset and accelerate your team.
• Amplify your impact: Bring even greater value to the universe while keeping inclusion and diversity at the forefront.

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Download Big Money in Franchising by Alicia Miller (.ePUB)

Big Money in Franchising: Scaling Your Enterprise in the Era of Private Equity by Alicia Miller
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 5 mb
Overview: Private equity (PE) is profoundly transforming the business of franchising, as companies increasingly perceive PE transactions as an attractive alternative to going public, and as investors realize the strength and resilience of the franchise model. In recent years, franchisors and multi-unit franchisees encompassing more than 700 brands have partnered with private capital, including Subway, which announced in 2023 that after decades of independence it would be acquired by Roark Capital Group for more than $9 billion. It’s estimated that private capital is currently sitting on at least $1 trillion of "dry powder" — committed funds that haven’t yet been deployed. Franchising will continue to attract investment out of this substantial and still-growing pool.

In Big Money in Franchising, franchise thought leader, board advisor, franchise investor, and PE consultant Alicia Miller demonstrates how founders and franchisees alike can effectively leverage private capital to take their businesses to the next level of performance.

Miller walks through PE growth playbooks in depth, drawing on recent case studies, highlighting best practices, and sharing valuable insights into PE’s investing mindset, key players, selection criteria, and trading dynamics. The book also tracks the top challenges private capital has experienced in franchise investing, providing guidelines for vetting potential partners and conducting due diligence to avoid negative outcomes, value destruction, and stall-outs.

Featuring interviews with franchise entrepreneurs, brand founders, deal advisors, and PE executives, Big Money in Franchising empowers readers with the information needed to build enterprise value and climb the private equity profit ladder.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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Download The 4-Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss (.ePUB)

The 4-Hour Work Week. Escape the 9-5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich by Timothy Ferriss
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1mb
Overview: A new, updated and expanded edition of this New York Times bestseller on how to reconstruct your life so it’s not all about work

Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan – there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times. Whether your dream is escaping the rat race, experiencing high-end world travel, earning a monthly five-figure income with zero management, or just living more and working less, this book is the blueprint.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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