Download Reclaiming the Fire Series by Alicia Wolfe (.ePUB)

Reclaiming the Fire Series by Alicia Wolfe (1-4)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.1 mB, 249 KB
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Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy


1. Dragon Shadow – Jade McClaren is a thief with a mission … and a secret.
Jade makes a living stealing magical items from bad guys in magical New York, but she’s no ordinary cat burglar. She’s only half human. The other half is…something else.
But when she steals a magical item from the wrong man, she attracts the attention of powerful enemies as well as the pursuit of the relentless Fae Knight, Davril Stormguard.
To clear her name, Jade must team up with Davril to contend with vampires, demons, witches, and more before what’s happening in post-Fae New York destroys the Fae Lords…and maybe the world itself.

2. Dragon Knight – The imp Federico has gone missing, and only Jade and Davril can get him back.
They have to hurry, though. The evil witch Angela has kidnapped the little rascal for her own purposes, and whatever those are, they can’t be good. She wants to destroy the Fae and bring the Shadow to our world.
Don’t worry, though. Jade and Davril are on the case. The only problem is that Jade can’t give up her old life (er, of crime), and Davril (that is, Lord Davril Stormguard, Knight of the Fae Court; in other words, he of the broom up his butt) can’t allow her to keep burglaring. How can she stay true to herself and still remain a knight?
It’s a pickle. And if they can’t resolve things, fast, Angela might just get what she wants, and the Shadow will rule over all.

3. Dragon Game – Davril’s evil brother Nevos has crossed over into our world, and Jade and Davril have to stop him before it’s too late.
When word comes that Nevos has been seen consorting with the Guild of Thieves, Jade goes undercover in the Guild to find out what he’s up to. Surrounded by crime and vice, can Jade resist the lure of her old life, or will she stay true to the values of the Fae Knights?
Things get really sticky when she meets Nevos himself. Not only is he dead sexy, but he knows more about Davril than Jade has ever learned before. Nevos has secrets on top of secrets.
One thing is for sure — if Jade can’t get to the bottom of it all, and find out what’s true and what’s not true, meanwhile avoiding all sorts of fantastic dangers (not least the hot spark between her and Nevos), the Shadow will gain a foothold in our world.
When brother fights brother, the pillars of the world will shake. But with Jade between them . . . they’ll shake harder? Gulp! Things are looking dangerous in post-Fae-rival New York.

4.Dragon Blood – Trouble in paradise! Murder, magic and mystery with a beautiful backdrop.
Not long ago, Jade McClaren was a half-shifter and a thief. Now she’s working with the Fae Lords to police the supernatural elements of New York City, sometimes having to go up against her old allies. Her partner is Lord Davril Stormguard, a Fae and former king, but now badass cop, and their relationship has gotten . . . complicated. Meanwhile a great darkness is brewing — the Shadow. It drove the Fae Lords out of the Fae Lands, and now it’s coming to our world.
If that weren’t bad enough, the Fae Lords have broken with each other. The prince of the realm and his followers, estranged from the Queen, are on the run somewhere in Manhattan. When Jade and her partner Davril Stormguard encounter him, they learn that he may hold the secret to stopping the Shadow. But he has a price.
Can the Queen meet that price, and what will happen if she does? It all leads to a beautiful place known as the Floating Gardens, a giant park-like resort that hovers over New York. But as soon as Jade and Davril arrive in paradise, things start to go wrong. When murder and violence spread through the resort, only they can stop it — if they can work out their own problems first.

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4.Dragon Blood

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