Download Primer of Organ Registration by Gordon Balch Nevin (.EPUB)

A Primer of Organ Registration by Gordon Balch Nevin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 6.0 MB
Overview: The art of registration—that branch of organ technique pertaining to the use of the stops, couplers and accessories of the modern organ—is a subject of great importance in the development of fine organ playing, and must, indeed, be simultaneously pursued along with the usual mechanical practice if the desired perfection is to be achieved.

This book has been undertaken with a desire to furnish some aid to busy and earnest teachers and pupils; no attempt has been made to exhaust the possibilities of the subject, for such a course would have defeated the aim of the book, via: to be a compact and brief but easily understood aid pointing the way to a systematic progress in the study of the art. The work has been cast in such form as to be progressive along with the work mapped-out by the teacher; from the very first lesson the student is aided in comprehending what always appears to be a maze of stops and accessories.

The Dictionary of Stops, with which the work concludes, has been made “inter-locking,” so to speak, in as far as was possible, and presents a refuge to the bewildered pupil who unable to find a desired stop needed in some composition helplessly asks: “What stop shall I use instead?”
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational (Music/Organ)


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