Download Jude’s Song by Mary Crawford (.ePUB)

Jude’s Song by Mary Crawford (Hidden Beauty #7)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.8 MB
Overview: Tasha Keely has just been offered the break of a lifetime—award-winning musician Aidan O’Brien has just offered her a spot in his band. It’s exactly what every aspiring rock star dreams of. Tasha has been in the limelight since she was old enough to hold the microphone and this should be enough to make her walk on clouds. So, why does she feel like her real dreams are even more unobtainable?

Jude Hernandez is both drawn to and repulsed by the newest star of Aidan’s band. He spends all day breaking his back moving gear for the band and writing songs in hopes that one day he’ll get a chance to catch the ear of Aidan O’Brien. What musician in their right mind would turn down the chance to live this dream?

Can they find the right notes between them to find a mutual love of music and each other and what happens if someone else threatens their dreams?
Genre: Romance


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