Download Independence series by Karen Nichols (.ePUB)(.MOBI

Independence series by Karen Nichols (#1-2)
Requirements: .ePUB .MOBI Reader | 1.2 MB
Overview: I like writing. I don’t have a magic place where the stories or people arrive, other then when I’m asleep, they appear, like movies. Some are simple romances; some involve a messed up family life; some involve outside influences and business and still others might trail along the paranormal or BDSM path.
Genre: Romance Erotic BDSM


Bailey (#1): Bailey just wanted something a little different than a night with friends who drank too much and guys who were way too young for her.
When she arrived home from work Halloween weekend and found the large box wrapped in a bright red ribbon on her doorstep, she wasn’t sure what to believe. But one thing was certain: it was going to be a very different kind of weekend for her.

Angel (#2): It was the night after Thanksgiving and people were unwinding from the overwhelming food rush of the day before. The club, Independence, was slowly filling up with noise and the scents of arousal.
Colin, a prosecuting attorney for the city of Tacoma, hadn’t expected to find anything more than a distraction from a series of cases that had brought far too much attention to the city. Bad cops, a highly sought after madam with a black book hot enough to sear the devil himself and then a mall shooter who had attempted suicide, but failed.
He hadn’t expected to find an Angel at the club.
But neither of them would ever be the same again.

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