Download Can America be Saved from Stupid People by Dave Duffy (.ePUB)

Can America be Saved from Stupid People (and other essays) by Dave Duffy
Requirements: ePUB reader | 1.4 MB
Overview: There are two reasons why I decided to compile into a book some of the columns I’ve written for Backwoods Home Magazine over the past 23 years.
First, they are well written, concise, and to the point about topics that every American needs to understand, especially when it concerns freedom and the growing shadow of oppressive government. Second, the columns offer historical perspective to aid in that understanding. At the ends of some columns, I’ve given the dates they were originally published, and I’ve added postscript notes when necessary to bring things up to date. Although most of these columns are brief and easy to understand, the book is not an easy read. Most of the topics covered require reflection and introspection. Many readers of the first edition of this anthology, published five years ago, say they scribbled their thoughts liberally in the margins. This volume contains most of the original columns published in 2007, plus 23 others written since then. For the most part, I’ve left the original columns alone, as they often predicted what I saw as the likely outcomes of emerging events. For those interested in America’s future, this will be a worthwhile read. My goal is to ignite the flame of freedom in you, or to fan it if you already feel as I do.
Genre: Non Fiction > General


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