Download Biomechanical Hearts by Olivia Myers (.ePUB)

Biomechanical Hearts by Olivia Myers
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 801 KB
Overview: Stella runs her business selling “pleasure robots” with organization and efficiency. But the stress of running a business under the thumb of her ex-boyfriend’s gangster operation can leave her tense, so she’s not ashamed to sample the pleasures offered by her own merchandise from time to time. When one of her pleasure bots disappears from her bed while she’s sleeping, an awkward game of hide and seek ensues.

Zain, an Orbital Wars veteran, has the kind of sculpted body usually found only on manufactured robots—sculpted and inhumanly strong. When he stows away in a pleasure bot box, the last thing he expects is to be commanded into service. As he gets to know Stella, though, he’ll find that while he might not be all human, he’s definitely got a heart, and it wants only one woman.

When Stella’s ex-boyfriend throws a monkey wrench into her business, will Stella and Zain be able to depend on each other—or is their time together nothing more than mechanics?

AUTHOR’S NOTE: This is a stand alone science fiction romance with an HEA. This ebook contains mature themes and language, intended for 18+ readers only.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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