Download An Engagement at Pemberley by Rosemary Barton (.ePUB)

An Engagement at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Rosemary Barton
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 313 KB | Retail
Overview: Elizabeth Bennet has never seen anywhere more beautiful than Pemberley in Derbyshire. Though she has heard that the owner is a proud, unpleasant man, he is away from home and will not interfere with her enjoyment of the woods and fields surrounding the magnificent house. But when a strange man encounters her in the woods and accuses her of being a thief, she is determined to embarrass him for his error. Only to discover she has been completely mistaken in his identity.

Fitzwilliam Darcy is perplexed by the strange girl before him. Her appearance is dishevelled from her walk in his woods, but her eyes sparkle, and she has a quick wit that captivates him. He is eager to know more of her, but his initial impression of her as a thief means the sentiment is not returned.

As Darcy and Elizabeth are thrown together more and more in the beautiful Derbyshire countryside, their initial feelings for one another grow and deepen into something more. But Miss Bingley, the sister of Darcy’s closest friend, is not pleased by the love developing between Eliza Bennet and the man Miss Bingley is determined to marry. Fearing a proposal is imminent, she stoops to a level which shocks even those who know her best and which threatens to tear Elizabeth and Darcy apart forever.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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