Download Among the Echoes by Aly Martinez (.MP3)

Among the Echoes by Aly Martinez (Wrecked and Ruined #2.5)
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 102.49 MB
Overview: My name was Dr. Erica Hill. I was a victim, then a witness, and then I ceased to exist altogether. I may still be breathing, but stripped of my identity, I have long since stopped living. I am invisible, and my life depends on my ability to stay in the shadows. But he sees me. Slate Andrews is the embodiment of everything I have been taught to avoid. He’s rich and famous, and one image of him with a woman would earn millions for any paparazzi lucky enough to snap it. He has vowed to protect me with his life, yet he exposes me with his every breath. I should be stronger and walk away. I should disappear. But I’m terrified he would come after me. I’m on the run, determined not to take him down with me but absolutely unable to let him go. My name is Riley Peterson…at least for today.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction , Romance


Download Instructions: (Links updated on 3rd October 2022. Thanks to Lilly)

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