Download Xara Designer Pro+

Xara Designer Pro+
Requirements: Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 (64-bit only)
Overview: Xara Designer Pro + is a powerful and easy-to-use graphics and document creation tool capable of creating everything from high-quality web graphics and websites to highly detailed illustrations and multi-page documents for printing and PDF output.


If you’re working with photos, Designer Pro + can handle everything from simple one-click automatic photo enhancement to impressive digital photo compositions. If you’re building a website, Designer Pro + can help you create everything you need from simple buttons and landing pages to turnkey websites. If your task involves drawing, then this is a great tool for everything from simple logos to cartoons and amazingly detailed illustrations. And because Designer Pro + works equally well with drawings, photos and text, it is ideal for design work – from cards and invitations to posters, advertisements and multi-page brochures.

Features of the program:
• Most accurate, high-performance vector rendering engine
• Creation of effects such as shadow, transparency, etc. in an interactive, fast and intuitive way
• Support for Drag and Drop function
• Unlimited levels of undo and redo
• Enlarge images up to 25000% with the zoom tool
• Smoothing vectors for maximum quality
• Fast, smooth and high quality 3D vector extrusion tool
• A set of built-in tools for editing vectors and shapes
• Several built-in powerful tools to add realistic effects in one click
• Unique non-destructive photo editing without the slightest loss of quality
• Creation of panoramic images
• Support for plugins Adobe Photoshop
• Built-in "Site Builder" function to create multi-page websites
• Creation of really workable Flash animations
• Created sites in the program support all existing browsers and web standards
• Support for a large number of graphic formats (GIF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, TIFF, PSD, RAW, EPS, AI, PDF, WMF, etc.)
• Full support for import and export of PSD files

Transparency & Feathering
Xara was the first vector application to introduce transparency, and continues to this day to offer the easiest, most advanced transparency control of any software. With click-drag simplicity you can create graduated transparencies to any object, photo, text, and vector shape.

Live Effects
Live Effects are plug-in effects that can be applied to any object, including vector drawings – they are called Live Effects because the vector object remains editable even after applying the effect. Most modern Photoshop plug-ins work as Live Effects, giving access to a huge range of special effects (and many plug-ins are included).

Shadows, Bevels & Contours
Xara Designer Pro offers several powerful tools that allow you to add realistic effects with a single click. Apply, remove, and modify semi-transparent (or ‘soft’) shadows to any object with the Shadow tool. Use the Bevel tool to add bevels to any object, giving them the realistic appearance of depth. And add contours around objects with the Contour tool. All resolution independent (don’t lose quality when you scale them)!

Fast, non-destructive photo handling
Xara Designer Pro photo handling beats other graphics programs on many fronts. It’s much, much faster, produces smaller files and it’s non-destructive. It makes the perfect photo composition tool.

Integrated photo tool
Designer Pro includes a revolutionary integrated, ultra-fast, non-destructive photo editing tool. It offers both automatic real-time photo enhance and manual controls (brightness, contrast, sharpen, blur, saturation, temperature and a new cross process option) plus real-time scaling and rotation even on very high res images. Other features include flexible cropping, red eye removal, advanced shadow & highlights and brightness levels controls.

Advanced photo manipulation
The powerful photo tools can produce almost miraculous changes and improvements to your photos!

Photo Panoramas
Creating photo panoramas couldn’t be easier. Drop a series of photos on the page, click one button and you’ll get a perfect, seamless joined panoramic image.

Intelligent Scaling
The Photo Tool includes innovative intelligent image scaling technology that allows ‘content aware scaling’, which means images can be stretched or squashed while retaining the proportions of important parts of the picture.

Creative Effects
Xara Designer Pro supports Adobe Photoshop® plug-ins. There’s already a huge range of such plug-ins available, both free and commercial, for creating a variety of effects that would take a lifetime to explore.

Web Graphics, Web Pages & Websites
Designer Pro also offers web design features that make it a first class web authoring tool in its own right.

Compatibility With Industry Standards
Xara Designer Pro is used by many different types of customer in a spectacular range of uses – for designs combining drawings, text and photos, for print and the web – so we understand how important it is to offer compatibility with other products and users.

System Requirements:
– You need a 64-bit version for the following operating systems:
– Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista
– Processor: 700 MHz RAM: 512 MB
– Graphics card: Onboard, minimum resolution 1280 x 600
– Hard drive space: 300 MB for program installation.
More Info:

Download Instructions:
Information about the program:
Year of issue: 2021
Platform: Windows® 10 / 8.1 / 8/7 (64-bit only)
Interface language: English
Medicine: crack.exe
File Size: 198.42 MB
Password: Admin8872

Interchangeable links … x64%29.rar

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