Download Witching Hour series (#1-6) by Christine Zane Thomas (.MP3)

Witching Hour series (#1-6) by Christine Zane Thomas / Narrated by Cris Dukehart
Requirements: .MP3 player, 976 mb
Overview: USA Today bestselling author Christine Zane Thomas is the pen name of a husband and wife duo. A shared love of mystery and sleuths spurred the creation of their own mysterious writer alter-ego. They can be found in northwest Florida with their two children, their crazy dachshund, and their overprotective schnauzer. While not writing, their love of food takes them all around the south. They love fresh gulf seafood, brunch by the beach, and to snack their way around the world showcase.
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction

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Midlife Curses, 1 | Constance Campbell has made a few questionable decisions in the run-up to her 40th birthday. So in a way, moving 2,000 miles away from everything she’s ever known makes perfect sense.

Creel Creek, Virginia, is the last place either of her ex-husbands would ever think to look for her. What better place to hide from her humiliations than a town too small to warrant a mention on a map?

Laid off, and recently divorced from husband number two, this former workaholic moves in with her estranged – and very strange – grandmother. A grandmother who informs Constance that she comes from a long line of powerful witches. And on the day she hits the big 4-0, she’ll come into her powers.

It turns out that she’s not the only paranormal person in town. Under the sleepy surface, the small town is teeming with supernatural beings.

When Constance finds the town’s resident vampire dead, things go from surreal to scary. The local sheriff is convinced that a killer is lurking in the shadows, hunting anyone with supernatural abilities…including witches like her.

He’s not wrong.

Can Constance learn enough magic to save herself and Creel Creek from this unknown foe?

Never Been Hexed, 2 | Constance Campbell learned on her 40th birthday that she comes from a long line of witches. Now, struggling to learn her magic, Constance dives deeper into her family’s sordid past.

Constance vows to find the truth behind her mother’s disappearance. She’s determined to seek out the Faction, an order of witches and warlocks vying for power in the supernatural world.

But when Constance’s father shows up looking a little ghostly pale and see-through, she has other problems to solve. Like who killed him and why. And is she next on their list?

Can Constance find her father’s killer? Is her mother still alive somewhere? And can Constance save herself before either the Faction or her father’s killer put an end to her as well?

Must Love Charms, 3 | Guilt-ridden, her magic waning, Constance Campbell must defeat her greatest foe yet.

When the Faction shows up in Creel Creek, it may mean Constance will finally find out the truth about her mother’s disappearance. But the secretive magical organization has a long history of covering up the facts. She won’t get them so easily.

When murders begin popping up all over the country with ties to the supernatural, a hunter sets his sights on the small town. He kills three shifters with his sword.

And he’s not the only thing that’s putting the paranormal community in danger. The Creel Creek After Dark podcast convention has its own surprise in store.

It’s up to Constance to protect those she loves and help catch this killer. The question is, can she do both?

You’ve Got Spells, 4 | An owl with secrets….

Or so Constance thinks. She’s having trouble convincing anyone else otherwise.

When two bodies are found on the vineyard property, Constance and Dave make a startling discovery. The timeline of the two deaths is off…by a few decades.

The first died a whole lot more recently than the other. Dave unearths – literally – a cold case from decades past, which only brings more questions.

Is someone using necromancy to do their dirty work? And can Constance and her friends stop them before they become the targets?

It’s the holiday season in Creel Creek, Virginia. And it’s full of mystery, romance, and surprises.

As Grimoire as It Gets, 5 | Mystery. Mayhem. And the return of the Faction.

When the Faction returns to Creel Creek, Constance thinks it’s to help solve the mystery surrounding her missing mother. But they have other priorities . . . like the spike in attacks coming from the shadow realm.

It doesn’t help that Constance has her own demons to face—the kind from hell.

Can they work together to rid the world of these threats? And will Constance finally find out what happened to her mother?

While You Were Spellbound, 6 | A new chapter. A hidden threat.

Constance has her mother back, but it came at a high price. Her familiar lied to her. Her grandmother’s gone. And her boyfriend has given her space—space she isn’t sure she needs. She concedes by taking her first official mission for the Faction, hoping to solve a few questions of her own:

– Where is Morgana?

– Can she help her mother recover her memory?

– And will they ever be safe?

While she’s gone, there’s a string of mysterious crimes in Creel Creek, ultimately leading to a botched burglary and a murder. The perpetrators of which share the same curious trait—they don’t remember committing these crimes.

Dave needs help. But will the mysteries bring them closer together or push them farther apart?

Download Instructions:
Witching Hour 01 – Midlife Curses.rar
Witching Hour 02 – Never Been Hexed.rar
Witching Hour 03 – Must Love Charms.rar
Witching Hour 04 – You ve Got Spells.rar
Witching Hour 05 – As Grimoire as It Gets.rar
Witching Hour 06 – While You Were Spellbound.rar


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