Download What to Eat: Food That’s Good by Joanna Blythman (.ePUB)

What to Eat: Food That’s Good for Your Health, Pocket and Plate by Joanna Blythman
Requirements: ePUB reader, 759 KB
Overview: Covering all the pressing food dilemmas of our times, What to Eat, by award-winning food writer Joanna Blythman, helps you make sensible, thoughtful and practical choices about what to eat each day, irrespective of your income.

Food should be one of life’s greatest pleasures yet, increasingly, choosing it is becoming a chore. Bombarded by questions such as ‘Is red meat bad for you?’ and ‘Is local always best?’ it’s difficult to know what to eat. At the same time, even the basics are becoming more and more expensive, making it essential that we choose the best foods for ourselves and the planet and make them go as far as possible.
Genre: Non-Fiction, Health, Food


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