Download Watching Her by Harlem Dae (.ePUB)

Watching Her by Harlem Dae
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 330 KB
Overview: What wouldn’t I do?

Indulged and spoiled, fed everything I’d ever craved on a silver spoon, I still was lacking. A need for more had grown in the hot house I’d been raised in. It was a thirst I couldn’t quench, a hunger that wouldn’t be satisfied.

Until he came along. Hardly a knight in shining armour, he left me greedier than ever before. Travelling the globe, sashaying my hips and showing off my wares as I went, I never could have guessed the danger that was stalking me. Or who was stalking me.

Until the only thing that had ever mattered to me was threatened, and then I had to sit up and smell the roses. Torn between a ghost and a man who was strangely immune to my charms, I found myself on the run.
Genre: Mystery/Thriller


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