Download Warriors at the Gates: Trojan Wars by Rick Royster (.ePUB)

Warriors at the Gates: Trojan Wars by Rick Royster
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 333 KB
Overview: Special Forces Captain Tressa Ladovitch loyalty is put to the test when she receives a message that her daughter has been kidnapped. A daughter she’d given up for adoption twenty years ago. The ransom for her daughter’s life is the trojan-cube, a device so frighteningly powerful that whoever wields it would have the ultimate weapon that could bring humanity to it’s knees. Will she betray the Coalition Alliance, a rebel force determined to end the reign of the one world government established by the Global Union? Pursued by relentless half-man half-machine cyborgs known as Imperial Knights, a deadly bounty hunter with a personal score to settle and a warrior with angelic powers, Tressa will need all of her skills to survive. Where do our loyalties lie? God? Duty? Family?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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