Download War of Knight Series by Jack Thorlin (.PUB)

War of Knight Series by Jack Thorlin (1-3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 1.0 MB
Overview: Jack Thorlin is a lifelong military history and geopolitics enthusiast. After majoring in mechanical engineering and getting a law degree at Harvard, he moved to northern Virginia, where he now works as a congressional staffer.
Genre: Thriller

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1. Stand of Knights
In the not too distant future, with the United States in political and economic decline, one hundred elite American soldiers mutiny to save the world’s last bastion of vibrant freedom from the expansionist People’s Republic of China.

The year is 2029. The United States has declined under the weight of political and economic stagnation. China, beset by internal political unrest, invades its old breakaway province, Taiwan, which has become the world’s freest and most technologically advanced society. The United States, Taiwan’s historic ally, sends the Knights, a secret American special forces unit, to slow the Chinese onslaught and allow the President time to marshal American military and diplomatic power to save the beleaguered democracy. When the President caves in to Chinese economic threats and recalls the Knights, they mutiny. Dramatically outnumbered and cut off from any outside aid, the Knights use skill, cunning, and audacity to fight their desperate battle against Chinese forces and inspire the American public to come to Taiwan’s rescue.

Stand of Knights is an original geopolitical thriller for the 21st century with high-tech action, breathtaking scale, and an uplifting story. It is the first installment of a series that will tell the entire story of the China-Taiwan War.

2. The Lafayette Initiative
In the year 2029, with full-blown war between the United States and China rampaging across the Pacific, the People’s Liberation Army of China has invaded Taiwan and is threatening to break Taiwanese resistance before the U.S. military can arrive in force to turn the tide. American billionaire Domingo Cortez, who owes his success to the vibrant Taiwanese economy, assembles a team of mercenaries from around the world to sabotage the Chinese war effort. Using the world’s most advanced military technology and sophisticated guerilla tactics, Cortez and his organization wage war behind Chinese lines.

The success of Cortez’s initiative does not go unnoticed in Beijing. The Politburo creates an elite force to counter Cortez. The ensuing game of cat-and-mouse drives the American businessman and his team to the breaking point.

The Lafayette Initiative, an action-packed sequel to Thorlin’s breakthrough first novel Stand of Knights, is a gripping story of modern warfare, combining cutting-edge technology with vivid characters to create a fascinating world of tomorrow’s geopolitics. From the streets of Beijing to the ports of Australia, from Georgetown parties to the battlefields of Taiwan, The Lafayette Initiative delivers nonstop action and intrigue.

3. Fulcrum of the Citadel
In the near future, the U.S.-China War hangs in the balance. The Chinese military has broken through Taiwan’s defenses and is racing to conquer the remaining major cities on the island before American reinforcements can arrive. The only thing standing between the Chinese and final victory is a few thousand American paratroopers—and Clay McCormick. Together, they will confront the massive People’s Liberation Army, led by the brilliant Chinese commander Wu Fong, to decide the freedom of Taiwan.

Following in the footsteps of Stand of Knights and The Lafayette Initiative, Fulcrum of the Citadel is the last chapter in the trilogy depicting all-out war between the United States and China over the fate of Taiwan. In Fulcrum, the two nations fight their decisive battle with next-generation weaponry and tactics, from advanced drones to cloud-seeding. With a memorable and diverse cast, Fulcrum shows an epic showdown between a stagnant American military undercut by poor leadership and an ascendant People’s Liberation Army representing the world’s new superpower.

Jack Thorlin, a congressional staffer and former editor of the Harvard National Security Journal, specializes in writing geopolitical thrillers on a grand scale in the tradition of Tom Clancy.

Download Instructions:
1. Stand of Knights … .epub.html

2. The Lafayette Initiative … .epub.html

3. Fulcrum of the Citadel … .epub.html


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