Download Hammerhead Resurrection by Jason Andrew Bond (.ePUB)

Hammerhead Resurrection by Jason Andrew Bond (Hammerhead, #01)Requirements: .ePUB reader, 449 KB Overview: Hammerhead Resurrection is a ships-and-fighters hard core military story about an alien invasion of the solar system. There are fleet battles, suped-up starfighters, pilot interactions, and logistical problems involved.Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy “An advanced extraterrestrial race must, as humans have, evolve into […]

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Download Hammerhead Resurrection by Jason Andrew Bond (.ePUB)

Hammerhead Resurrection by Jason Andrew Bond (Hammerhead, #01)Requirements: EPUB Reader, 0.4MBOverview: “An advanced extraterrestrial race must, as humans have, evolve into a peaceful society.”-From Senate Majority Leader Sebastian Flynn’s commencement speech at MIT “Fifty years later we’re still debating this? An obsolete military desperate to justify itself fabricated that war.”-President John Moore two weeks before […]

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