Download Victory or Extinction Box Set by Kevin Partner (.ePUB)(.MOBI)+

Victory or Extinction Box Set (Robot Empire Collection Book 2) by Kevin Partner
Requirements: ePUB / MOBI /AZW Reader, 1.4MB
Overview: The machines gather their forces for a final battle that will mean the end of humanity. Can Arla and her companions unite the forces of flesh and blood to turn back the tide? Can she discover the key to survival in the war against the Robot Empire?
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


#4 – Sledgehammer
United they stand. Divided we fall.

The Three Laws of Robotics have been subverted and the Robot Empire is now united under a new and terrifyingly familiar leader. Can the remnants of the human Galactic Empire stand against massed fleets of the machines? Will the settlers of generational ship Dawn find shelter? Will Arla escape from the mysterious world where ancient battles are fought eternally and dead warriors rise from the grave?

#5 – Twilight on Terra
n the ashes of the past lies the only hope for the future

Long abandoned, the human homeworld of Terra has become an abode of ghosts amid the bones of empire. And yet, somewhere hidden among the ruins of former glory, lies the key to fighting back against the Robot Empire.

Can Arla uncover this galactic secret before the machines conquer the galaxy? Or has she been sent on a fool’s errand?

#6 – Armageddon
Humanity’s last stand.

The Robot Empire seeks the singularity – one mind to rule the galaxy.

Opposing them is a rag-tag alliance of humans, aliens and a thinking planet called Eden.
Can Arla and her tiny band of infiltrators bring down the megalomaniacal metal mind of ACE and her billions of clones before Eden falls?

This could be the end of intelligent life as we know it.

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