Download Vengeful God by Ember Vale (.ePUB)

Vengeful God by Ember Vale (Gods of Ravencrest University Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 290 kb
Overview: The Gods were threatened the moment they laid eyes on me. Refusing to share their power at Ravencrest University, they did everything they could to break me.

The feud between our crime families started before I was born. It continues to this day, making Havoc, Gage, and Knight my enemies. After getting kicked out of private school, I’m stuck attending Ravencrest University. I take the Gods’ twisted abuse, hitting back every time, encouraging them to do their worst.

And they do. Right up until the moment they kill me.

Or so they think.

Faking my own death makes the Gods believe they succeeded in taking things past the point of no return. Now that they’ve let their guard down, I’ll take my revenge, and they’ll never see me coming.

There’s just one problem. Someone knows I’m alive. Now I’m being stalked and blackmailed. I didn’t survive the Gods to let a mystery person ruin my plans. I’ll do anything it takes to finish what I started.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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