Download Valentine’s Date by Amabel Daniels (.ePUB)

Valentine’s Date by Amabel Daniels
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 182 kB
Overview: Chauffeuring New York’s rich elite isn’t Roman Malcolm’s dream job, but one client, Zoe Crispin, is his dream girl. Too bad she’s engaged to Aiden, a world-class jerk who doesn’t appreciate her.

Quiet and down-to-earth, Zoe prefers to stay in with a good book and decent glass of wine. It’s exactly what she intends to do for the most romantic night of the year, since her fiancé is stuck at the office. Again. Only, apparently, he’s not, because Roman explains that he’s to pick her up for a surprise dinner date with Aiden.

Roman makes his first mistake in assuming that an engaged couple would be dining together on a date. When he and Zoe learn Aiden intends for a different woman to be his Valentine, Roman refuses to make another mistake and let Zoe go without confessing his love first.
Genre: Romance


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