Download USA: Eliminated! by William D. Nash (.ePUB)

USA: Eliminated! by William D. Nash (The Jupiter Factor #1)
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 342 KB
Overview: Jack Slater has chased UFOs his entire life—and now, he’s found one! It’s real, it’s abandoned in an alien hangar—and it’s in perfect condition. As the director of a governmental agency that studies aerial phenomena (OSAP), he knows he’s just discovered the find of a lifetime…and he wastes no time learning to fly it.

But as Jack and his OSAP colleagues explore the saucer’s secrets, the world watches as a deadly meteor plummets to earth, leaving a devastating path of destruction in its wake—including two important space stations. Too late, it becomes apparent the meteor is a missile, apparently fired by the Russian Federation. Detonating, it releases a terrible bioweapon, seemingly beyond the capabilities of Russia’s current weapons technology

The alien technology Jack has discovered is the only hope of survival for the United States. But that technology has appeared at a suspiciously convenient time, in Jack’s opinion. What are they dealing with? Is humanity truly at war with itself, or is an alien external force playing a deadly game determined to see the USA: ELIMINATED!
Genre: Science Fiction


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