Download Upon a Pale Horse: Raiding the Seven Seas by Simon Archer (.ePUB)

Upon a Pale Horse: Raiding the Seven Seas by Simon Archer (Orc Pirate Book 3)
Requirements: ePUB Reader | 468 KB
Overview: Danger excites him. But Orc Pirate can’t fully enjoy it when those surrounding him are pitiful and weak.
Thankfully, just hearing his exploits has made them powerful. So, even if something does happen to them, they’ll have nothing to fear.
And when you read about his exploits, you too will have nothing to fear. Because even if Death himself comes for you on his pale horse, you will be so powerful, you won’t even be able to find a shirt able to contain your power. And that’s something even Death will fear.
So, are you ready to go shirtless? Because Orc Pirate is ready…
Genre: Fantasy


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