Download Unknown Secrets of Civilizations History by Gina T. Gibbons (ePUB)+

Unknown Secrets of the Civilizations History: The great mystical ways of the ancients by Gina T. Gibbons
Requirements: .ePUB, .PDF reader, 1.7 MB
Overview: Modern humanity spends a lot of manpower and resources to at least a step closer to solving the mysteries of ancient civilizations.

Thousands of books have been written about them, hundreds of documentary and feature films have been shot, and from time to time scientists manage to understand how our ancestors lived. For example, today there is plenty of evidence that ancient civilizations possessed high technologies and were far ahead of our era in their development. Along with this, it is believed that some kind of global catastrophe destroyed the ancient civilizations that came into contact with representatives of other worlds, who taught them technology, science and art.

In this book, we will look at some of the intriguing mysteries of ancient civilizations and try to give them a reasonable explanation.
Genre: Non-Fiction > History


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