Download Uncontrollable Bachelor by Jeannette Winters (.ePUB)

Uncontrollable Bachelor by Jeannette Winters (Bachelor Tower Series)
Requirements: epub/azw3/mobi reader, 220 kb
Overview: This was supposed to be so easy. All I needed to do was go to dinner and smooth talk Shannon to get some inside information regarding the Bachelor Tower. Instead I never even brought up the subject because I got lost in her gorgeous green eyes and lips that begged to be kissed. Did I mention she was my one regret from years ago? Seeing her again brought back all the feelings, good and bad.
I’ve never forgotten the last time I saw her. I had been young and wanted to marry her. Her father’s response was to kick my ass with his thousand dollar shoes as he reminded me I came from the wrong side of tracks. That lesson molded me into the successful, yet uncontrollable bachelor I am today.
Shannon isn’t the quiet girl she was either. She’s confident, and sexy as hell and haunting my every thought. She’s becoming a sweet distraction, but a complication I can’t afford. Am I going to let one hot night with her again bring me to my knees?
All I need to do is sign the contract and the apartment is mine. Bachelor Towers provides the lifestyle I have busted my ass for. I’ll have topnotch business connections and women at my fingertips. It’s everything I wanted. Or at least it was.
How do I convince her I’ve had a change of heart when I don’t deserve a second chance?
Genre: Romance


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