Download Two Worlds Collide by Rory B. Byrne (.ePUB)

Two Worlds Collide by Rory B. Byrne (Generation Sandbox #3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 253 KB
Overview: My name is Amelia Haddon. My friends and teammates call me Lia. I’m twenty years old, and I am in a world of trouble. I am up to my neck in politics, spiders, and teammates who want to end my First Life. My world isn’t like anything you’ve experienced before. My world began when yours ended. It didn’t get any better, perhaps less complicated. We’re gamers, and we gather points so others can survive. We took over when the Old Ones died out. It started with a side mission during our campaign to find the missing team. That’s when I found Camp Nightfall, and that’s when things went sideways. Now I’m a Respawn, and everyone expects me to save them since they think I know what’s going to happen next. I have help: a guide who knows Open-World when it belonged to the Old Ones. I don’t think it’s cheating, but I have to decide if sharing what I know benefits my teammates and my people, or if it corrupts them even more. After my guide’s request, we’ve agreed to leave Camp Nightfall to reach the Pentagon—whatever that is—but only if we reach this destination while searching for our lost gamers. So far, my team has looked to me for answers; they don’t know I make up the plan as we go. We’re in the mild of the wilds, and there’s something out there stalking us.

Jack Leighlin slept for over one hundred years and woke to a world that went dark. Technology, industry, and most of humanity died out in the weeks following the collision cascade when most earth-orbiting satellites fell out of the sky. Jack’s world turned upside-down, adults died from an unknown virus, leaving the last generation free to roam. Jack’s world and Amelia’s world have teamed up to accomplish two goals: help track Amelia’s lost friends and connect the military base uplink to the Pentagon mainframe. Ego, the cynical artificial intelligence unit that woke Jack from his long-time slumber, promises Jack a new body. Jack and Ego need the gamers to complete their mission. In return, upgrades are the best they have to offer the desperate gamers.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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