Download Two Daddies for the Single-Dad Omega by Anna Wineheart (.ePUB)

Two Daddies for the Single-Dad Omega by Anna Wineheart (Daddies For Dumpster Omegas Book 3)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 975 kB
Overview: Two alphas. Two enemies. And the single-dad omega they both want.

Landon is exhausted. Having three jobs, a kid, and no alpha does that to you. All Landon wants is to fall into bed (or a set of strong arms), close his eyes, and go to sleep for twenty years. But he can’t.

There’s a hot, younger alpha hitting on him at the bar. Ingle is charming, he buys Landon drinks, and he promises a good time, no strings attached. With him, Landon can forget that his troubles exist.

The only problem? Landon’s ex has been watching them, always scowling. And Landon feels the pull to Gardner just as strongly. He remembers the safety of Gardner’s arms, he remembers the way Gardner kissed him breathless. The way Gardner promised him forever.

It shouldn’t be possible to want both alphas. But Landon does, and it feels like everything is about to crash, when they both claim him at the same time.
Genre: Fiction > Romance MMM


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