Download Trees, Shrubs & Hedges by Editors of Creative Homeowner (.ePUB)

Trees, Shrubs & Hedges for Your Home, 4th Edition: Secrets for Selection and Care by Editors of Creative Homeowner
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 185 MB
Overview: Learn how to create and keep a stunning landscape! Landscape professionals regard trees, shrubs, and hedges as the “bones,” or essential framework, of any landscape design. The trick is to select the best plants for your growing conditions that also look good together. A comprehensive guide to landscape design for homeowners, Trees, Shrubs & Hedges for Your Home, shows you how to do that and more, while also providing plant profiles and detailed descriptions of over 1,000 of the best plants to grow that are beautiful, low-maintenance, pest- and disease-resistant, and easily found at local nurseries and home centers. Full color throughout, this book clearly illustrates all procedures with over 600 color photos and illustrations, provides recommended plants for your climate and soil conditions, explains how to enhance outdoor living spaces with plantings, and provides easy installation and need-to-know care tips to keep your plants healthy over time. Inside, you’ll find detailed insight on landscape tools (both manual and electric) and design, plus planning, selecting, and caring for plants; guidance on gardening to combat climate change; common landscaping mistakes to avoid; helpful diagrams and illustrations for sun paths, zone maps, root systems, and other topics; and more. This 256-page book is the ultimate resource for deciding what to grow, how, and why it matters for the environment.
Genre: Non-Fiction > General


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