Download Trace series by Warren Murphy (.ePUB)

Trace series by Warren Murphy (Books #1-7)
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Overview: Warren Murphy is the author of more than sixty novels and screenplays, including the satiric adventure series The Destroyer, with more than 25 million copies in print. He is a former newspaperman and political-campaign consultant whose hobbies are chess, mathematics, and martial arts. He lives in Teaneck, New Jersey.
Genre: Mystery


Trace (Trace #1)
Devlin Tracy is a very good insurance investigator in a profession that rewards success. He lives in a luxury condo on the Las Vegas Strip and only works when he feels like it. He also drinks vodka by the pint, cracks wise to damn-near everyone, and has what can charitably be described as a complicated relationship with his girlfriend. None of that matters to the Garrison Fidelity Insurance Company. They’re interested in results. Which is why they keep Trace on retainer.
Problem: A patient at a private clinic died, shortly after making his doctor the beneficiary of his insurance policy. Suspicious. Now a wealthy friend of the Garrison Fidelity is a patient at the same private clinic, and he isn’t doing well. Troubling. Solution: Send Trace, who has a natural way of shaking things up. On the surface everyone’s friendly and nothing points to murder, fraud or larceny. A late-night beatdown from two masked thugs sends a very different message, however, and tells Trace that he’s onto something. If only he could figure out what he’s onto.

And 47 Miles of Rope (Trace #2)
The giant insurance company that hired Trace didn’t do it because of his sobriety, loyalty or high moral principles. They paid him for cases that no other investigator could come close to cracking-and this one, here in sin city, Las Vegas, was right up Trace’s shadowy alley.
It involved a collection of Beautiful People with ugly secrets that included the Countess Felicia Fallaci who couldn’t count her own lovers, a blond porn bombshell over-endowed with everything but brains, an Italian pretty boy who dedicated his idle life to drugs, a German baron with bizarre appetites, and a private-eye pimp with a string of Vegas sex machines.
And right in the center of that circle of sophisticated sickies was a murdered man of mystery, a missing million in jewels, and a killer bent on teasing Trace to death…

When Elephants Forget (Trace #3)
As far as Trace was concerned, New York was a lousy place to visit, and an even worse place to make a living. But the insurance company that employed him had sent him to Manhattan to check out a death in a Family that made the Mafia look like the Waltons. And to add an extra twist of trouble, Trace’s girlfriend, Chico, came along to keep him on the straight and narrow while she explored the far-out kicks of fun city.
In a town where every woman seemed available at the price of peril…where a blizzard of cocaine was burying users and pushers alike…and where the answer to the most polite question was a quick kick in the teeth…the freest free-lance investigator of them all found the Big Apple pure poison when he cut to the core of a crime that nobody wanted solved..

Pigs Get Fat (Trace #4)
Trace Series Book 4 Thomas Collins made his living wheeling-dealing San Francisco real estate-but he lived for sex, with every woman within his very long reach. There was his wife, who had grown afraid to be beautiful…his step-daughter, whom he wanted to teach things she could never learn in college…his secretary, who earned her bonuses the hard way…and the hooker, who gave the best value in town. But now Thomas Collins was missing, a big money policy on his life was up for grabs, and insurance investigator Devlin Tracy had to find him or his company faced a huge payoff. Trace couldn’t afford to let even his gorgeous girlfriend Chico slow him down as he went through Collins’ list of lovelies to find out how deadly too much sex could be…and what woman was one too murderously many…

Once a Mutt (Trace #5)
Trace needed money fast, big money, or he’d be in a hole that could turn out to be his financial grave. His heavenly hooker girlfriend Chico wouldn’t lend him any of her hard-earned cash, which forced him to take an assignment from the giant insurance company that hated to have to use him as much as he hated to be of use to them. A kinky, animal-loving tycoon was missing…his widow demanding two million dollars insurance…and for those kinds of bucks Trace was told to do anything he had to. So, obeying orders, he went after the wildest bunch of characters ever to be on the wrong side of an animal cage at the zoo, from a man-eating adulteress who lusted to swallow him whole…to a couple of human sharks who wanted to spit him out in pieces…

Too Old a Cat (Trace #6)
Just when the leader of an erotic ecstasy cult dies in writhing agony…when the beautiful wife of a Mafia prince hits hubby where it hurts the most…and when the kinky daughter of a super-straight broadcast executive threatens to make nightmare news…Trace’s luscious, blackjack-dealing, semi-hooking girlfriend Chico decides to trade in his body for a better model… Now Trace needs all the help he cant get—from a kooky pair of cops named Razoni and Jackson. From the street-smarts of his still hard-as-nails dad. And of course he needs Chico to come back with her own special brand of aid and comfort. Maybe then he can separate the goodies from the baddies in a Big Apple scene that’s rotten to the core…and wrap up three deadly mysteries in one blood-red bow…

Getting Up with Fleas (Trace #7)
It was your typical movie set. There was producer Biff Birnbaum, buried under a mountain of bills and sky-high on snow. Leading lady Tami Fluff, whose talent for rising in the film world was developed on her back. Writer Arden Harden, a perversely twisted and poison-tongued pro. Ramona Dedley, a female shrink cum X-rated sex therapist. Jack Scott, TV-land’s geriatric boy-next-door, and director Roddy Quine, so veddy-veddy British. Above all, there was superstar Tony McCue, living proof that too much drugs, drink, and sex can’t kill you. It was, in fact, Devlin Tracy’s job to make sure that nothing killed the heavily insured and accident-prone Tony McCue—at least until the film was completed. But when one member of this cast of coke-heads was found mysteriously tied up and dead in a dumbwaiter, Trace suspected he had graduated from being McCue’s babysitter to being his watchdog against murder…

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