Download Touchstone series by Andy Conway (.ePUB)

Touchstone series by Andy Conway
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Overview: Andy Conway is the novelist, screenwriter and time traveler behind the Touchstone series. He wrote the feature films Arjun & Alison, An American Exorcism and The Courier and runs a publishing empire from a loft in Birmingham, England.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy

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10. The Ghosts of Paradise Place (A Touchstone Origins tale)
The dark anti-heroine of the bestselling time travel saga gets her own personal origin story in this novella that reveals how she first found her touchstone.

Taking up her new job at Birmingham Central Library, Kath Bright is haunted by sinister occurrences in the modernist concrete complex.

It’s 2008 and Kath is recovering from a failed relationship while Britain slides into its first credit crunch Christmas. But money and love troubles are not Kath’s only concern as she uncovers a chilling tale of witch hunts and a Victorian murder mystery from the archives. This past becomes very real when the archives reveal a door to the building that was there 100 years ago.

11. Haunted Town (A Touchstone Origins tale)
A boy out of time. A girl to save Britain. A war between them… Drawn to a portrait of 1940s screen star, Eleanor Gale, teenager Mitch finds himself pursuing a romance across oceans of time while foiling a Nazi plot to invade Britain.

In 1984, young Raheem ‘Mitch’ Mitchell is a teenager who doesn’t fit. A ‘young fogey’ in vintage clothes, obsessed with old music and old movies, suffering fits that mystify doctors, he is a boy out of time.

Falling in love with long lost movie star Eleanor Gale, he visits the Welsh town where her greatest film was shot.. and finds himself back in time, face to face with the woman of his dreams.

In 1941, he works on the film that might save Britain from Nazi invasion, and investigates the traitor in their midst who is working to make that invasion happen. But just who is the secret German spy? Is it the cinematographer who was trained in Berlin before the war? Is it dashing actor and love rival Denholm Bourne? Or might it be Eleanor herself? Just what dark secret is she hiding?

12. Unfinished Sympathy
To live for you, to die for you… Searching for his long lost love, reluctant time traveler Mitch finds himself in 1908 New York, caught up in a dark case of blackmail and secrets with famous composer Gustav Mahler and his wife Alma.

Investigating a mysterious threatening letter, Mitch must walk two contrasting worlds: uptown high society where opera-loving millionaires plot and scheme, and downtown ghettos where Jewish mobsters battle Chinatown gangsters for control of jazz clubs and nickelodeons.

Featuring a teenage Irving Berlin, jazz pioneer James Reese Europe, a young Duke Ellington, corrupt police chief Charles Becker, and notorious gangsters Big Jack Zelig and Mock Duck, Unfinished Sympathy is a gripping thriller of murder, blackmail and scandal set in the last days of New York’s Gilded Age.

13. The Ghosts of Christmas Past
Before A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens meets three ghosts out of time… Christmas Eve. 1842. New Street, Birmingham. The present and the future haunt the past when a pair of reluctant time travellers find themselves stranded in Victorian Britain.

Fred Smith is a young man caught in a street riot in 1934. Mrs Hudson is an old lady who can’t remember why she’s at the station in 2019. Fred wants to change the world, Mrs Hudson wants to protect time. Can they work together to get back to the future?

Is the secret to their timeslip something to do with Belle, the young orphan girl staging the Christmas pantomime for the city’s poor children? Or the ‘Worst Man in Birmingham’, notorious miser and vicious businessman, Ebenezer Swingeford? Is it oppressed clerk, Bob Cratchit and his rebellious son, not-so-tiny Tim?

Or could it be something to do with Charles Dickens, the young author visiting the city on secret business, on the verge of bankruptcy and desperate for his next big literary success?

Whoever holds the answer, the city’s notorious criminal gang, the precursors to the Peaky Blinders, are out to rob a fortune, and they will murder anyone who gets in their way… just like their leader, Slogger Pike, murdered old Jacob Marley on this very night, eight years ago.

As the snow falls on Christmas Eve, ghosts lost in time haunt the dark heart of the city in search of the true meaning of Christmas.

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