Download Touch The Flame by Helen Bianchin (.ePUB)

Touch The Flame by Helen Bianchin
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 150 kb
Overview: Chelsea froze, her face an expressionless mask

The sound of Raf’s deep voice drained all the color from her face. A hundred conflicting thoughts fought for supremacy as she battled to retain a semblance of calm. Then she slowly turned to face him.

He appeared taller than she remembered, she noticed dimly. His broad frame was sheathed in expensive suiting, and his features were every bit as forceful as they had ever been.

Rafael Hamilton. Son of a Texas oil millionaire whose wife held legitimate claim to an honored branch of the Spanish nobility.

A man who was many things—financial entrepreneur, undisputed head of Houghton-Hamilton. He was also her husband.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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