Download Tool Shed Series (2-4) by A.R. Steele (.ePUB)

Tool Shed Series by A.R. Steele (Books #2-4)(2020 re-issue)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 567 kB
Overview: I love to write romantic stories in any genre, as long as it features a happily ever after. Having previously written gay shifter stories as Abraham Steele, I’ve now turned my pen toward contemporary gay romance. I hope you’ll be seduced by the boys of Hot Rods!
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


Full Frontal (Tool Shed #2)
By day, Owen Eldridge is an MBA student. By night, he takes off his clothes at an exotic all-male dance club. So far, being the only straight stripper at the Tool Shed hasn’t been a big issue – but when the club begins to require full-frontal nudity, his forbidden fantasies amplify too much to ignore. Owen turns to a more expert co-worker for help understanding his cravings.
Although Cooper Fulton is the club’s unofficial big brother, his best friend outside of work is the puppy he adopted with his ex. He’s unwilling to risk his heart again after their messy break-up. However, when Owen comes to him for guidance, the two men experience an irresistible attraction. As they explore their chemistry together, they both run the risk of getting burned.
Will they trust each other enough to overcome their fears?

VIP Room (Tool Shed #3)
Elijah Tillman can’t wait to escape the Tool Shed. All he wants is to hop on his Harley and ride away, leaving his life as a stripper and a drug dealer far behind. Even if he gets along well enough with the other strippers – not to mention his roster of no-strings-attached bed-buddies – he’s just biding his time until he can move on. And bitterness and cynicism are difficult to mask in a life spent on stage.
Lucas Delaney has always slipped under everyone’s radar. The only time he truly feels alive is when he’s onstage at the Tool Shed. Silent and observant, he’s watched the club’s other couples get together without any hope for his own love life. Although he’s used to being by himself, being alone forever isn’t something he wants to accept. So when he finally catches Elijah’s eye, he hopes their mutual attraction can develop into more.
Will Elijah chew Lucas up and spit him out? Or can a delinquent and a wallflower manage to find common ground?

Live Fantasies (Tool Shed #4)
Stripping is the perfect job for Jesse. It lets him float through life on a cloud of pot smoke and meaningless hookups. But Shade, the new stripper at the Tool Shed, threatens to shatter Jesse’s hard-won complacency. It doesn’t matter that the other man is in a relationship — his tanned skin, irrepressible disposition, and leanly-muscled form call Jesse like a siren song.
Shade has a made-up boyfriend for a very good reason: he has to keep the other men at a distance. If any of them get too close, they might learn the truth about why he’s at the club. As his attraction to Jesse’s cool masculine beauty burns ever brighter, hiding who Shade really is gets harder.
Will Jesse discover the secret Shade desperately wants to keep? And if Shade takes off the mask he’s hiding behind, will Jesse forgive his betrayal?

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