Download Today My Name Is Billie by Neile Parisi (.ePUB)

Today My Name Is Billie by Neile Parisi
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 967KB
Overview: Every Year thousands of educators are accused of physical abuse. Some are guilty and are prosecuted, but hundreds who are innocent are forced to surrender their licenses. This is what happened to Billie.

Deceit and betrayal threatened her survival, extinguished her life’s dream, and erased her sense of self worth. She wondered if she could ever trust again. Rejected by family and friends, she was forced to reinvent every aspect of her entire life. When a catastrophic fire crippled her community, and individuals grappled with personal tragedy, she gained a deeper understanding of the gift of forgiveness and the power of hope. Her brave struggles saved not only her life but also the lives of others.

At times brutally painful, at other times hugely positive, Today My Name Is Billie  reveals how a single lie can spread like fire and destroy all that it touches.
Genre: Fiction > General Fiction/Classics


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