Download To Love A Shaman by Erin Moore (.ePUB)

To Love A Shaman by Erin Moore
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 156 Kb
Overview: A shaman without love. A woman with a dark past. Destinies entwined.
Professor Rhiannon Lane knows science. As a psychology researcher at the University of New Mexico, her theories may be a bit off-beat, but she is firmly grounded in rational, logical thinking. When she believes that she’s on the edge of a breakthrough, she takes a trip to Mongolia to find out what she suspects: that shape-shifters really do exist. Fueled by experiences in her dark and hidden past, she seeks out the shaman Serun, who may just hold the key to unlocking the mystical truth.
Serun of the Uriankhai did not choose to be shaman, but the visions chose him, taking his fate out of his hands. Living the solitary life of a healing shaman is all he’s known for too many years, to the point that it’s become second nature. Yet now, when he shifts and becomes the leopard, he worries that one day he may never come back from the edge, the lines between reality and the higher spiritual plane he serves coming together with increasing intensity.
When the beautiful Rhiannon asks him to help her with her research, he knows he shouldn’t. He has been warned that she will ask too much of him, and he knows that to enter her world would mean to giving up his way of life; after all, a shaman cannot marry. But they can’t deny their desire for each other…
Genre: Paranormal Romance


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