Download To Catch the Candid Earl by Eleanor Keating (.ePUB)

To Catch the Candid Earl by Eleanor Keating
Requirements: .ePUB Reader, 950 kB
Overview: Nothing else could be enough for her, except a powerful man with great status and immense wealth. But when she, unfortunately, becomes attracted to the man with the least prospect, would she allow her ambition get in the way of true happiness?

Lucy has vowed to never follow her mother’s footsteps and end up penniless and downtrodden because of love. She makes her way to London pretending to be of noble birth, rather than the daughter of a dead laundrywoman, as she seeks to catch a wealthy and titled suitor.

Edmund has always been guided by the strict moral code of doing the right thing, but when faced with having to be part of a plot to ruin an innocent woman or risk losing his inheritance; he finds himself being thrown into the worst kind of dilemma.

Edmund and Lucy find themselves drawn to each other, but soon dark secrets start unraveling, while their greatest adversaries try to keep them apart.
Will the failure to compromise his morals stop Edmund from keeping his inheritance, as well as Lucy’s heart? Will Lucy’s secret and ambition be the thing that drives them apart forever? Will they manage to overcome the temptations and trappings of the upper-class life and become each other’s greatest happiness?
Genre: Romance, Historical


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