Download Timecaster Series by Joe Kimball (.ePUB)

Timecaster Series by Joe Kimball (Books 1~2)
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 697 Kb
Overview: Joe Kimball is yet another pen name of author J.A. Konrath. While Konrath writes thrillers and Jack Kilborn writes horror, Kimball writes science fiction
Genre: Science Fiction

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Timecaster: Chicago, 2064: Talon Avalon is a timecaster-one of a select few peace officers who can operate a TEV, the Tachyon Emission Visualizer, which records events (most specifically, crimes) that have already happened. With crime at an all-time low, Talon has little to do except give lectures to school kids and obsess on his wife’s profession as a licensed sex partner. Until one of her clients asks Talon to investigate a possible murder. When Talon uses the TEV to view the crime, the identity of the killer is unmistakable-it’s him, Talon Avalon.

Timecaster Supersymmetry: Talon Avalon is a Timecaster; a cop who is able to look back in time and view crimes that have already happened. But that was before he was framed by an alternate version of himself from another dimension. Now he’s being hunted in this world, and countless parallel worlds, as the biggest mass-murderer in history. While trying to save his kidnapped wife and clear his name, Talon fights to prevent a series of mishaps that could destroy the multiverse, along with the very fabric of spacetime. He only has a few hours to save an infinity of humanity. All it will take is guts, his fists, plenty of narcotics and adrenalin, some high tech weaponry, a wise-ass sidekick, a few talking dinosaurs, and enough strength to survive a plethora of erotic encounters. Time is NOT on his side. Timecaster Supersymmetry by Joe Kimball. Mankind Can Rewind.

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