Download Three Californias Triptych by Kim Stanley Robinson (.MP3)

Three Californias Triptych by Kim Stanley Robinson
Requirements: .MP3 reader, 1.3gb
Overview: The three books in Kim Stanley Robinson’s utopian trilogy, the Three Californias Triptych, tell the story of three possible near-futures of Orange County, California. Each of the books, The Wild Shore, The Gold Coast, and Pacific Edge, depicts the life of young people in 2027, 2047, and 2065. "There’s a fresh wind blowing in The Wild Shore," according to science fiction legend Ursula K. Le Guin. "Part Huck Finn and part Our Town…. A well-written, engaging rite of passage" (Publishers Weekly). And The Santa Ana Register described the series as "an intriguing work, one that will delight and entertain you, and, most importantly, cause you to stop and think."
Genre: Audiobooks > Fiction


BOOK 1: The Wild Shore

2047: for 60 years America has been quarantined after a devastating nuclear attack. For the small community of San Onofre on the West Coast, life is a matter of survival: living simply on what the sea and land can provide, preserving what knowledge and skills they can in a society without mass communications. Until the men from San Diego arrive, riding the rails on flatbed trucks and bringing news of the new American Resistance. And Hank Fletcher and his friends are drawn into an adventure that marks the end of childhood…

BOOK 2: The Gold Coast

2027: Southern California is a developer’s dream gone mad, an endless sprawl of condos, freeways, and malls. Jim McPherson, the affluent son of a defense contractor, is a young man lost in a world of fast cars, casual sex, and designer drugs. But his descent into the shadowy underground of industrial terrorism brings him into a shattering confrontation with his family, his goals, and his ideals.

BOOK 3: Pacific Edge

2065: In a world that has rediscovered harmony with nature, the village of El Modena, California, is an ecotopia in the making. Kevin Claiborne, a young builder who has grown up in this "green" world, now finds himself caught up in the struggle to preserve his community’s idyllic way of life from the resurgent forces of greed and exploitation.

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