Download Thirteen Weddings by Paige Toon (.ePUB)

Thirteen Weddings by Paige Toon
Requirements: ePUB Reader, 374 KB
Overview: Another scintillating tale from the bestselling author of The Longest Holiday and Lucy in the Sky.
Last year, Bronte left Sydney for a wedding in England, where she met newly single Alex. After a night of passion they parted ways, and Bronte returned to Australia.
Now working on a picture desk for a magazine in London, Bronte is about to meet her new colleague, who turns out to be all too familiar. Although awkward at first, as Alex is now engaged to the girl he was on a break from when they met, they soon become friends.
But as the two get closer, and the wedding day looms, it is clear that Alex and Bronte have unfinished business…
A charming bittersweet novel from the author of The Longest Holiday.
Praise for Paige Toon’s previous titles:
‘We devoured this in one sitting, relaxing on a sun-lounger – and our, er, tireless research revealed that it’s the perfect beach read’ Cosmopolitan
‘Fun, summery, chick-lit with bite – if you want a bit of escapism, this is perfect’ Cosmopolitan
‘It’s fresh, incredibly confident, with a very strong cast and sense of place. This wonderful page-turner kept me guessing right until the end’ Marian Keyes.
Genre: Romance


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