Download The World Traveler by Claire Castle (.ePUB)

The World Traveler by Claire Castle
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 464 kB | Retail
Overview: Charming Taylor Samuels doesn’t expect his sister’s video audition to appear on the reality television show The World Traveler to result in anything.
When they are chosen to compete, he can do nothing but hope for the best.

When Adam Scott’s best friend wants them to try to get on The World Traveler, Adam agrees, to make his best friend happy.
As the reality sets in that they will be competing, Adam tries not to panic too much.

Little do they know that a twist in the show will see Taylor and Adam’s worlds collide in a way they never imagined.
Will everything go horribly wrong or could this be the perfect beginning to a wonderful journey?
Genre: Fiction > Romance MM


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