Download The Warden by Sage Alder (.ePUB)

The Warden by Sage Alder (Alien Bride: First Conquest Book 1)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 576 kb
Overview: Just when I thought life couldn’t get any harder, I’m abducted by aliens and dropped on a hostile alien planet. Everything is trying to make me its next snack…even one of the natives that call the planet home. Tall, grey-skinned, with piercing amber eyes, Zarris watches me with a different kind of hunger.

I tell myself I don’t have time to notice the fearless, scarred man who makes my heart race. Finding a way back home has to be a priority. However, my determination to return to Earth sets into motion a chain of events that won’t only change my future but Zarris’ too.

And once I save us both, there’s no turning back.
Genre: Fiction > Romance


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