Download Mad Master Alchemist by Seth Ring (.ePUB)

Mad Master Alchemist by Seth Ring (Nova Terra Story)
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 1. 5 mb
Overview: Alphonso Richt— Expert botanist. Genius chemist. Recently unemployed.

Burning down the lab will do that. But every cloud has a silver lining, and after being let go from his most recent job for unsanctioned experiments, Alph is given the chance to blow off a little steam with a cutting edge new game that isn’t even out of beta.

It’s called Nova Terra.

Logging into a fully developed fantasy world, Alph discovers a new field of study called Alchemy that instantly captivates him, allowing him to bring his unique insights and scientific knowledge to bear as he explores the wonders of magic. Plus, no one really cares if his potions explode in the game.
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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