Download The Vigilante Series by Lawrence Hall (.ePUB)

The Vigilante Series by Lawrence Hall (4-5)
Requirements: epub, mobi, azw3 reader, 478 KB
Overview:Lawrence Hall is a storyteller, optimist and author of the romance Vigilante book series. His blood type is caffeine, and one day will probably have to be surgically removed from his keyboard. With over a decade of teaching experience, Lawrence has mastered the art of daydreaming and character development. Living in North Carolina, Lawrence may have seen every romantic comedy made in the last twenty years. Whether he wanted to or not.
Genre: Romance


4. Forbidden Hunger – Book four in the Vigilante series of romance novels by Lawrence Hall continues the journey of Marcus, Alivia, Ashlyn and Jadon. Will Eric continue his path towards world domination, or will they be able to stop him.

5. The Vigilante’s Ally – Alivia Rivers is in love with a man who is both a hero and a killer. And it’s going to take both to save the world. A spellbinding story of terror and intrigue, greed and desire, fear and love from bestselling author Lawrence Hall.
Alivia Rivers is having a bad day. A really bad day. The gorgeous man of her dreams is a blood-sucking nightmare who holds the key to stopping the spread of the greatest evil the world has ever seen.
But beyond battle there is another danger — the hatred between the two men leading the fight could not only ruin Alivia’s love life but threaten the future itself.
Whoever said all’s fair in love and war?

Download Instructions:
4. Forbidden Hunger

5. The Vigilante’s Ally

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