Download The Vegan Athlete by Karina Inkster (.ePUB)

The Vegan Athlete: A Complete Guide to a Healthy, Plant-Based, Active Lifestyle by Karina Inkster
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 11.43 MB
Overview: Cook smarter and feel better with one hundred delicious recipes! Completely revised and updated from the author’s previous Vegan Vitality, this is the ultimate guide to veganism for active lifestyles.

More than eight million North Americans choose to exclude meat from their diets, and an additional twenty-five million rarely eat meat. Many of these individuals consume no animal products whatsoever. Why do these vegans and vegetarians choose to forgo steak, yogurt, or ice cream? Most commonly, they cite increasing and maintaining personal health. Add to this the steadily growing population of health and fitness enthusiasts who adopt plant-based diets temporarily to meet their performance goals, plus those looking to vegan diets for weight loss, and we’ve got a full-blown diet and lifestyle movement quickly expanding across the globe!

This is a comprehensive active-living guide and cookbook for current and aspiring vegans and vegetarians interested in making regular physical activity a part of their lives. Fitness and nutrition coach Karina Inkster motivates and inspires readers to increase the quality (and length!) of their lives by enjoying a whole foods, plant-based diet and engaging in regular exercise.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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