Download Ingrid Langley & Patrick Gillard Mystery srs by Margaret Duffy (.ePUB)

Ingrid Langley & Patrick Gillard Mystery series by Margaret Duffy (12 & 19)
Requirements: ePUB/MOBI Reader, 496 kB | 1.1 MB
Overview: Margaret Duffy has worked for both the Inland Revenue and the Ministry of Defense. When not writing, Margaret works as a garden designer.
Genre: Mystery


Blood Substitute #12:
A Gillard and Langley Mystery – Patrick Gillard and Ingrid Langley, late of MI5 and now working as consultants for SOCA, are called in to investigate when a policemans horribly mutilated body is found with the initials R.K. carved on his torso. At the same time, DCI James Carrick asks them to make enquiries on a private matter: he has discovered that his father, Robert Kennedy, whom he thought long dead, is not only alive but a criminal. Can there be a connection between the two cases?

Dust to Dust #19
Patrick Gillard and Ingrid Langley face their biggest challenge to date when senior NCA official Richard Daws is murdered.
The murder of Richard Daws, 14th Earl of Hartwood and a senior official at the National Crime Agency at his home – the highly secure Hartwood Castle – has sent shockwaves through MI5, MI6 and the Met. Patrick Gillard and his wife, Ingrid Langley, face their most formidable task to date when Patrick vows to find his killer.

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