Download The Vanishing (Charlotte #1) by L.C. Warman (.ePUB)

The Vanishing (Charlotte #1) by L.C. Warman
Requirements: .ePUB reader, Retail
Overview: Charlotte Walters has gone missing before—in a traumatic experience her senior year that she is eager to put behind her. But when she arrives to start fresh on her east coast college campus, Charlotte finds a world just as mysterious and treacherous as the one she left behind.

Last year, in the secretive, lakeside town of St. Clair, Charlotte disappeared for a week before she was rescued by her brother Aiden and her best friend Reese. Now, Charlotte is ready to start a new chapter at a private liberal arts college out on the east coast, just a twenty-minute walk from where Reese is beginning her own freshman year.

The problem is, it’s not as easy for Charlotte to find her place at college as she had hoped. For one, Reese seems to have grown distant and even cold. For another, Charlotte realizes that years of social ease in St. Clair have taught her nothing about making friends in a whole new place. Should she trust the bubbly premed from the first floor who seems strangely keen to befriend her, but whom Charlotte can’t bring herself to entirely open up to? Should she try to get to know the mysterious, retiring boy from the fourth floor who invites her out, even though she’s heard his friends whispering about her?

And just weeks into the fall semester, Charlotte’s hopes to fly under-the-radar are completely derailed when she finds the body of her murdered professor.

The rumors about Charlotte start flying. Worse, Reese has grown even more distant and unreachable. As Charlotte’s world closes in around her, she wonders: can she trust anyone at all? And can she even trust herself?
Genre: Fiction > YA, Mystery


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