Download The UnFolding Collection One by S.K. Randolph (.ePUB)

The UnFolding Collection One by S.K. Randolph
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2.2 MB
Overview: A fantasy fiction tale of adventure and intrigue

Stalked by a vengeful DiMensioner, twins Ari and Brie, and their friends fight to save the last remaining piece of Old Earth.

Traveling through time and dimension, young and old combine wits and magic to thwart the diabolical plot of those determined to conquer and enslave the unique populations of the Inner Universe.

The fountain, Elcaro’s Eye, sits in the upstairs room of a cottage at the edge of the Terces Wood on Myrrh, the last remnant of Old Earth. Its water ripples into stillness. On the surface the long awaited UnFolding manifests its beginnings…
Genre: Fiction > Sci-Fi/Fantasy


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