Download The Unexpected Gift of Trauma by Edith Shiro (.ePUB)

The Unexpected Gift of Trauma: The Path to Posttraumatic Growth by Edith Shiro
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 2 MB
Overview: A groundbreaking approach to healing from trauma and experiencing posttraumatic growth from a leading psychologist, featuring a powerful, five-stage framework to help readers not just recover, but thrive and transform.

Trauma has always been part of the human experience, and traumatic events—both physical and emotional—can shake our very foundation and leave us forever changed. While we know more about the lasting neurological and physical effects of trauma than we did a decade ago, few people realize that experiencing trauma doesn’t have to sentence you to a lifetime of suffering and grief.

In this first book of its kind, renowned clinical psychologist Dr. Edith Shiro shares a powerful, five-stage framework for posttraumatic growth, a transformational process that helps you not just heal, but achieve growth and expand consciousness in the face of trauma. Inspired by her grandparents, who were refugees and Holocaust survivors, Dr. Shiro has dedicated her life to individuals, families, and communities facing trauma and its aftereffects. Developed over more than twenty-five years of research and practice, Dr. Shiro’s stages—Awareness, Awakening, Becoming, Being, and Transforming— provide a universal language and outline how trauma can be a catalyst for transformative growth.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Educational


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