Download The Total Salad Cookbook by Anthony Boundy (.ePUB)

The Total Salad Cookbook: All About Colorful and Healthy Salads by Anthony Boundy
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 3.0 MB
Overview: Salad as tasty, healthy, and convenient. They are also packed with an abundance of nutrients.Salads don’t have to be green. There are many ways to use bean, legumes, meats and seafood in a tasty, filling salad. This Salad Cookbook shows you the many ways to prepare your salad, from a delicious side dish to a hearty meal. There are no limits to what you can do to a salad. There is a salad for every member of your family, and you’ll find them in this Salad Cookbook.Kids will eat up broccoli and other vegetables when tossed with a nice salad. And don’t forget to prepare seafood salads for lunch – easy, delicious and filling.Experiment with grains and beans. Salads don’t have to be green. Bulgur, lentils, black beans, and corn make a flavorful and healthy meal. They are also the perfect buffet and potluck salads. Everyone devours them in minutes.Introduce your family to the art of salads making with the recipes in this Salad Cookbook.
Genre: Non-Fiction > Food & Drink


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