Download The Tip Of It by India T Norfleet (.ePUB)

The Tip Of It by India T Norfleet
Requirements: .ePUB reader, 243kb
Overview: Reign Bridges can’t deny that she wants Kanan Harris to take her every which way imaginable, but because of his track record, she refuses to cross that line with the heartbreaker extraordinaire. Though what happens when her body yearns for him in ways she can no longer ignore? When her thirst for him wraps her in the type of intoxicating ecstasy that makes her crave him so bad, she’s ready to settle for just the tip of his mouth watering print. Will the handsome, cocky madman get Reign to lower the walls around her heart just to satisfy her hunger for a lust so deep, it’ll leave her thirsty lady parts deliciously soaked and satisfied or will thinking with the wrong heartbeat teach her a lesson in love she’ll never forget…

Kanan Harris has never yearned for any woman, the way he does for Reign. Everything about her drives him to distraction. She’s the only woman who could demand his undivided attention without saying a single word to him. Kanan’s intense need for her was so foreign to him, yet he welcomed her presence like a high he never wanted to come down from. He craved to graze his tongue along every inch of her thickness and indulge in some detailed face time with her little hidden treasure as well. Kanan is crazy about Reign’s body, but it doesn’t take him long to realize that her outer appearance isn’t the only thing he’s drawn to, it’s the chocolate beauty as a whole that keeps him in tunnel vision mode when it comes to her. Regardless of what Reign thinks of him, Kanan sets out to prove to her that while he can’t erase the traces of the womanizer he used to be, for Reign, he won’t hesitate to become the man she desires and deserves. But will changing his ways be enough to win Reign’s battered heart or will Kanan’s every effort grant him nothing but the karma he so richly deserves…
Genre: Fiction > Erotic


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